
Showing posts from 2014

Job Updates for the Week - 20-Nov-2014

IN THE NAME OF "ALLAH" THE MOST BENEFICENT AND MERCIFUL. Email based on different Mailgroups and emails of Brother Irfan and Sarfaraz:  Please check the link/attached below of  NRI Times, November 14 -  20, 2014 .  In PDF Format (Downloadable) 5.36MB  or  http: // Note: copy and paste the link on browser address bar if doesn't work. Blog for GULF JOBS  http://relevantgulfjobs. Infosys is hiring freshers    Eligibility Criteria: BE/B.TECH/ME/M.TECH/MCA/M.Sc in any discipline with excellent academic record.   Candidate must not have participated in any selection process of Infosys in the last 9 months. Graduates from the year 2014 are only eligible to apply. Please send CV to  OR Y...